I Know It When I See It

March 24, 2009

Some think that obscenity by definition includes some form of nekkidness.  Me?  I think this story is more obscene than any plot twists the most depraved mind in California’s Porn Corridor could ever dream up.

Slumdog Redux

March 23, 2009

The so-called “controversy” over Slumdog Millionaire has had a surreal quality.  Perhaps those following the story noticed that 99% of the negative observations about the film were being made by Indians of a certain class and income bracket. The haters quoted in the press and who took the trouble of blogging or leaving comments on IMDB message boards were so utterly offended by the film/a white man telling the story/the future of the child actors/fill-in-the-blank, they could barely unclench their fists to type out their screeds.  Funny how all that changed once the film swept the Oscars, but that’s a whole other topic. 

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…comes this , where no tongues are inserted in cheeks and there is NOTHING FUNNY WHATSOEVER about grown men stomping around like John Cleese disguised as a rooster.  The good news is that these two volatile countries engage in this daily routine rather than nuking each other. How appropriate that this piece is narrated by Michael Palin. Enjoy!

I confess that although I try my best to understand world affairs, the collapse of Iceland’s economy was always a subject I found incomprehensible, dry and dull – until I read  this brilliant, hilarious and frightening Vanity Fair piece explaining how a country can become a Ponzi scheme when all adult supervision has flown the coop.


March 10, 2009

Normally publicists are paid to lie to the press and circulate pap.  So to hear one actually tell the truth is something of a shock.

Shorter US Magazine story: Everything we thought about Nadya Suleman and her parents is true.

I want to know Nadya Suleman’s secret. Not kidding.  For a woman who’s (presumably) not printing funny money in her basement , she sure does seem to have unlimited resources at her disposal to move into a bigger house and hire a private nanny.  It would be nice to know the name of the sucker whose largesse is bankrolling her lifestyle. This according to a new Radar Online video diary, in which she also comes up with a hilarious excuse for why when asked before she denied being on welfare. Turns out she was confused because she was on pain medication.  But bonus points for the great visual of one of her kids smacking her full in the face.

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Slumdog Hysteria

March 3, 2009

Well, it was bound to happen. With success comes criticism. And the criticism can sometimes reach vein-popping levels.

I suppose that the much-beloved sleeper hit “Slumdog Millionaire” would eventually be targeted by slings and arrows.  But it appears that the furor sparked by Indian audiences has caused some of the more uber-PC types, who are always looking for reasons to engage in guilt-ridden self-flagellation, a reason to break out the whips and start beating.

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March 3, 2009

My former blogging program forced me to hang up my DCMediagirl cleats – but only at my former address.  Some of you are probably wondering why I haven’t posted at my own address for so long.  Well, you’d take a break too if your blogging software was 5 years old and unwieldy. I’ve been wrecking the furniture at my pal Larry Johnson’s place, but now it’s time to look after my place too. Visit early and often.